The perfume was designed already in the 80s of the last century and was extremely popular in Europe. Moschus Magic Love Nerval is an intense fragrance of flowers and rich musk. First of all, you will be charmed by the combination of floral notes. In a moment they will be joined by elegant accords of heart notes created with musk. In the base notes of the composition of the fragrance are woody notes. The perfume is magnificent, modern and different at the same time.
Odgovorna oseba:
Sestava: INCI:
Datum uporabe: natisnjen na deklaraciji parfuma
Dišava vsebuje sestavino, ki je spremenljive barve, zato se lahko njena vsebina razlikuje od odtenka na sliki.
Razvrstitev nevarnosti po zakonu o kemikalijah
H226: Zelo lahko vnetljiva tekočina in hlapi.
P102: Hraniti zunaj dosega otrok.
P210: Hraniti ločeno od vročine/isker/odprtega ognja/vročih površin. – Kajenje prepovedano.
P211: Ne pršiti proti odprtemu ognju ali drugemu viru vžiga.
Parfumske note: